The MILK OPC software application was developed through cooperation between animal science and information technology experts and it is an extremely useful tool in the genetic improvement of cattle populations, surveyed through and official productions control and recorded within the genealogical registry. The genetic improvement of these populations is a priority of the development strategies designed and applied for the production and reproduction herds. This process became more and more complex, considering the amount of traits – parameters to be taken into account and processed into the portfolio of each breeding animal. request sent to the project contact person in each partner country. The experts team written and published a Software user manual, available to download, free of charge, in two linguistic versions: Romanian version: Manual de utilizare MILK-OPC software, Ukrainian version: КЕРІВНИЦТВО КОРИСТУВАЧА - ПРОГРАМНЕ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ MILK-OPC, The Good Practices Manual in Cattle Farming comprises data from literature, conventional technologies and modern elements of animal applied farming and has been written by experts belonging to the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi, Romania and to the State Agrarian University of Odessa, Ukraine. This study material was published in two linguistic versions, in order to be made available to the target group members from Romania and Republic of Moldova (Romanian version) and from Ukraine, as well (Ukrainian version). Among the contents of this manual we may briefly notice data related to: cattle productions and their influential factors; main cattle breeds reared worldwide; dairy and beef cows rearing technologies; zootechnical constructions for cattle farms. Romanian version: Manual de bune practici în creșterea bovinelor, Ukrainian version: ПОСІБНИК З ПРАКТИЧНОГО ДОСВІДУ ВИРОЩУВАННЯ ВЕЛИКОЇ РОГАТОЇ ХУДОБИ, Usage rights: The manual could be used only for particular professional development purposes of those downloading it and it could not be sold in any circumstances. Integral or partial reproduction of the manual is allowed for educational purposes only (activities with students or with adults enrolled in programs of education and professional training – long life learning). If the manual will be re-used by third parties, the mentioning of the European Union financial contribution in publishing is compulsory. |