Main goal: Improvement of the economic performances in the crossborder area through facilitation and durable modernization of agriculture The project implies new investments in the animal production infrastructure of the cross border region common to the three partner countries; introduction of new cattle husbandry technologies which could intensify the yields and to improve the products quality, therefore the increase of agriculture competitiveness within the borders neighborhood areas. In order to achieve the main goal of the project, the partners have to reach a series of specific objectives:
Specific objectives: Establishment of a common network of monitoring centers for monitoring cattle productions, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in the three partner countries:
Our project involves the modernizing of the animal production sector, implementing of the best practices in animal husbandry, through the establishment of two model farms and of three monitoring centers form milk and beef quality monitoring, endowed with modern equipments and operated by qualified staff, in order to improve these products quality in the three partner countries. These centers will function as professional training bases for the bachelor, master and PhD students from the three partner universities, and as educational/research facility which will provide supporting services to the target group members, as well.
Carrying out a common cross border study related to cattle productions and exploitations from the three partner countries:
The purpose of the common study in the three partner countries is to assess the up to day situation in the region, the amount of cattle farms, their size, the applied technology within, related to the origin area. Each partner was in charge to collect the data from its own region. The Lead partner – The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi coordinated the efforts, as well as data aggregation, interpreting and publishing of the results. Related on the latter ones, the project deploys a research network in the cross-border area of the three countries: three laboratory centers, two model farms in Romania and Republic of Moldova – concrete examples of good practices, sources of sustainability for the project and output-input experimental data sources for the Ukrainian partner laboratories, in order to guarantee the animal products quality.
Development and common implementation of a software – tool to monitor milk and beef productions
The MILK-OPC software, developed by the partners will have a user-friendly interface and will be easily used by the staff in all three monitoring centers. Also, all the interested parts will have granted access to the newly designed software, through the project web portal, which allow the simultaneous, multidirectional of data and knowledge (cattle husbandry, monitoring of dairy and beef products quality) between and among cattle farmers, scientists, students and researchers from the three partner countries. The project implementing team edited, published and spread freely a Software user manual, bilingual edition (Romanian and Ukrainian) for any interested actual and potential users.
Building of 2 pilot farms for quantitative and qualitative assessments in Romania and Republic of Moldova
The model farms built in Romania and Republic of Moldova serve to exemplify the advanced technologies and the expertise used in animal husbandry, basing on environmental management principles of each region. Throughout the implementing period of the project, training activities and international exchanges for the target group are carried on at the headquarters of the partner universities as well as at the achieved investment objectives. The project imposes to apply the specific measures to reduce the undesired impact of animals rearing onto the environment. Thus, the eco-farms will prove the optimal usage of energy sources; they will reveal the ways to decrease the animal husbandry activities impact on the environment, will serve as potential startups in order to obtain renewable energy sources. Also, it will be carried on an educational-informing campaign to make the producers, processors and consumers aware of the sustainable development of the agricultural sector, of the proper and clean processing of animal products and of the healthy development of the market, considering the increasing demand for eco-friendly food products.
Carrying out a training/informing/disseminating campaign for the interested actors of the field in all three regions.
The project comprises a series of educational-informational actions and training sessions dedicated to 20 cattle farmers from each involved country (national level activity) as well as three cross-border rotational workshops (international activity) which involved already 80 de members of the target group (farmers, dairy and beef processors, academic staff, students, field authorities – 60 attendants from the host country and 10 participants from each partner country per each event). The implementing team published and distributed freely a Good practice manual in cattle husbandry, edited in two linguistic versions (Romanian and Ukrainian). The informing of the target group is permanently and constantly updated through the web portal, which serve to spread theme during the project and after its conclusion, to any interested part. The web portal provides access to download free resources generated within the project, in digital versions (Good practices manual, Software user manual, Cross-border study). An informing campaign oriented toward the large audience – the ultimate beneficiaries of the safe and qualitative animal products – is also carried on through the mass-media channels, as well as through the promotion – publicity materials printed and spread within the project (leaflets, brochures, stickers, roll-ups, temporary and permanent panels for the newly built or endowed investments).